
Director: Mick Jackson
Year Released: 1984
Rating: 3.0

Unsettling look at what would happen if the world got involved in nuclear war, and the hopelessly dark 'existence' (if you can call it that) of those that survive. Could have been truly remarkable if the first act - about a young couple looking forward to their future together (and their unborn child) - was better constructed (I do realize it's necessary to establish a 'human face' and create a narrative to guide the viewer through the annihilation, but the flaccid storyline is like a bad daytime soap opera). The final hour is devastating drama, as millions suffer and die from radiation sickness and innumerable ailments, and those that live try to rebuild their world. Worth seeking out for the valiant attempt to document the unthinkable - the names of dozens of professors and doctors in the closing credits shows the filmmakers did their homework.