Turkish Delight

Director: Paul Verhoeven
Year Released: 1973
Rating: 2.0

Sculptor Eric (Rutger Hauer) catches a ride from (and immediately has sex with) Olga (Monique van de Ven), they get into a car crash (and survive), marry, he plays silly games on her, she cheats on him and leaves to be with an American.  I recognize Verhoeven's second feature film is held in high regard by the people of the Netherlands and there's a raw sensuality to it (both leads are frequently nude and rolling around with each other) but I don't feel like it adequately explores what causes Olga to break off from Eric (she complains about his libido, but is always eager to please) ... and the then 35-year-old director can't resist trying to be "edgy": there's a horse eyeball in a plate of food, pubic hair used as a moustache, a dog lapping up amniotic fluid, a penis jammed in a zipper, close-ups of "bloody" feces (no worries, it's just the beets), etc.  I don't believe Olga's "sin" warrants the ending she gets: sick with cancer, chewing on the titular dessert, dying and then having her wig thrown in the trash.