The Eternal Daughter

Director: Joanna Hogg
Year Released: 2022
Rating: 1.0

One windy night, filmmaker Julie Hart (Tilda Swinton) and her mother Rosalind (Tilda again!) stay at a hotel near Liverpool where Julie tries working on her new film (but is having a bit of the old Writer's Block) while Rosalind reminisces about her youth.  This was shot during the COVID-19 pandemic, which explains the tiny cast and single location (Soughton Hall in Wales), but it fails to generate any actual tension - Julie keeps hearing "noises in the dark" that keep her from sleeping (but amount to nothing), and asking one of the best actresses in the world to react to "herself" is little more than a cheap stunt.  It wasn't the worst of ideas going in (considering the conditions) - Hogg's doing her own stripped down version of The Shining - but you should never record your first draft.