Exit Smiling

Director: Sam Taylor
Year Released: 1926
Rating: 1.5

Mediocre actress Violet (Beatrice Lillie), who travels with a theatrical troupe run by Mr. Wainwright (DeWitt Jennings) and dreams of playing a "vampire," meets unemployed Jimmy Marsh (Jack Pickford) and tries to land him a job as an actor ... but he's also wanted for stealing thousands from a bank.  It's a quaint but uninvolving (if not outright dull) look at the "behind the scenes" hassles of a putting on a touring show, with Taylor trying to make Lillie a hapless (but empathetic) comedienne (just like Harold Lloyd), but leaving her with tired gags like falling into a pot, having trouble keeping a mustache on (when attempting to play a male character) and fighting with a too-hot iron ... and all her efforts are met with a downbeat ending (the other girl gets the boy).  Ms. Lillie spent the majority of her career working in the theatre - the stage benefited where the cinema could not (it was probably for the best).