Cuadecuc, Vampir

Director: Pere Portabella
Year Released: 1970
Rating: 3.0

A little background is required for this deconstructed horror experiment: director Portabella shot behind-the-scenes footage of the cast and crew of Jesús Franco's (supposedly atrocious) 1970 movie Count Dracula both acting and getting tended to by the hair and makeup people ... only using harsh black and white imagery and, until the last scene, ditching sync sound for various songs and noises (thunderstorms, machinery, a plane taking off, a skipping record).  The closest comparison I can think of is Dreyer's Vampyr (which is obviously a compliment): it's stark and haunting and feels trapped in some sort of purgatorial state in between fiction and non-fiction - a truly disorienting experience.  What I find especially fascinating is how Portabella later went on to get elected as a Senator in his native Spain ... can you imagine if Kenneth Anger ran for Governor of California?