Money Monster

Director: Jodie Foster
Year Released: 2016
Rating: 2.0

TV personality and stock pusher Lee Gates (George Clooney) - playing, essentially, Jim Cramer of "Mad Money" - has his studio invaded by a gunman (Jack O'Connell) who demands to know why a company he invested in (based on Gates' "advice"), IBIS Clear Capital (run by Dominic West), lost him his 60k investment (the company claims it was due to an 'algorithm glitch' ... but no one's believing that). The plot of this has to be inspired by Cramer's insisting people buy Bear Stearns prior to the Housing Market collapse in 2008 - when Bear's stock was sinking - and the point about rich people screwing over the poor is routine at this point ... but as a movie it fails to generate much tension, leaving O'Connell there to rant and rave and fire off his pistol while one waits for the inevitable (mainly: the situation defused by the authorities). I was also left with lingering questions about West's motivation - intentionally sabotaging a company to funnel money to Africa? and not be caught? we have a thing called the SEC for a reason... - as well as O'Connell's moronic decision to not diversify his bonds like Wu-Tang Financial suggested.