Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru

Director: Joe Berlinger
Year Released: 2016
Rating: 2.0

... And I Am Not A School Teacher (but it pays my bills). "Motivational speaker" Robbins allows Berlinger to film his six-day seminar in Florida - titled "Day of Destiny" (and running roughly $5k per person) - in which Robbins lectures and intervenes with his (damaged or despondent) audience members, often working one-on-one to break down their problems (and seek solutions). What Robbins is doing is actually not particularly unique (history is full of preachers people flock too ... except Robbins doesn't have a religious agenda that I can detect) and his terminology is often open-ended (allowing for personal interpretation): it's street-wise charisma and straight talk (and a whole lot of cursing). Skepticism aside, if people with major issues can be cured with what's essentially an expensive sugar pill, who am I to disagree with it? If Robbins actually is genuine and it's not an act and he is able to lend assistance to those who need it (and it works), good for him. I'll stick with Bob Dylan records to get me through the tough times ... there's no need to roar.