Both Sides of the Blade

Director: Claire Denis
Year Released: 2022
Rating: 1.0

Former rugby player Jean (Vincent Lindon) and radio personality Sara (Juliette Binoche) believe they're very much in love - they even spend an intimate holiday alone - but that gets messed up when her ex-boyfriend François (Grégoire Colin) reenters the scene, offering Jean a chance to work with him for a new talent scouting agency and rekindling old feelings in her.  It's more of that trademark vagueness from Denis: some critics bring up how "psychological aware" she is of her characters' emotions, but they make strange decisions for themselves (I personally wouldn't have anything to do with someone who landed me in prison) and she has Binoche acting up a literal storm (the suffering! the ecstasy!) and behaving like a smitten teenager whenever she's around François (it isn't the strongest defense of loyalty).  There's something odd about watching people in their late fifties/early sixties act this possessive; is the "subplot" with Jean's son Marcus (Issa Perica) in there just so Claire can provide commentary on racial tension (Frantz Fanon is also mentioned)?  Lady ... please.